Zendaya on Euphoria, Beyoncé, and Being a Bit of a “Loner”

For the latest round of 73 Questions, Vogue’s June cover star Zendaya welcomed us into her verdant California home, where she plucked citrus straight from the tree and played with her dog, Noon, while reflecting on her buzzy, new HBO series, Euphoria—“the most exciting, exhausting, but fulfilling thing I’ve ever done,” the actress says—among other things. She may self-identify as an introvert and a “control freak” (a Virgo through and through, in other words), but Zendaya is hardly a one-woman show. Her mom, a teacher, remains her role model (although she’s also a fan of Beyoncé, Rihanna, Oprah, and Michelle Obama).

Still, Zendaya’s surprisingly practical for an international movie star. (This summer, she reprises her role as MJ in Spider-Man: Far From Home, costarring Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland.) Preferring to do her own makeup for events, her biggest beauty tips are to slather on the SPF and to go to bed each night with a clean face, “even if you’re tired.” Similarly sage is her advice for young people navigating Hollywood for the first time: “Read the contracts,” she warns, “no matter how boring they are.” Zendaya even has the business of partying figured out. Her trick for a fool-proof fête? Blasting Montell Jordan’s 1995 banger “This Is How We Do It.” For a person born in 1996, all we can say is that the lady is wise beyond her years.